Marriage is a big part of who I am. Any decision I make must first consider not only its implications on myself, but also my husband, and the One that we make together. While we can exist as individual people I cannot ignore the collective One without ignoring a little bit of myself.
The size of the piece was created as close to life size as possible without costing me a small fortune to print. The 44" printer width was a factor in this. Each panel should be of equal weight in a relationship with none above each other, this determined the orientation of the panels as well as their equal sizing. My choice of canvas as the printing material is because I feel that marriage is a traditional way of describing a person. Mounting the canvas away from the wall was to draw the viewer in and through the "painting." The care in the construction of the triptych was taken because of my belief of the reverence I have of marriage.
To begin construction of this piece I first took photos into PS, cropping the images and then selecting an area by using a layer mask. I then applied an effect to each figure and then took the image into AI where I applied live trace. The background was created through repeating the flare tool. The ring in the center was created solely in PS, from an image I cut and pasted, rotated, smudged, scaled, and adjusted the colors of the image to come up with the final piece.
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